Medical Health Care Centre and Doctors

Meet Our Doctors

Our caring doctors are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalised medical care that supports your health and well-being journey.

ACS 0409

Doctor Jessica Uruakpa

Dr Jessica completed her Medical training at Hull York Medical School, England. Before moving to Australia in 2021 she worked in various specialties; gaining experience in Elderly Care, Women’s Health, Cardiology and Acute Medicine. Interests: Lifestyle Medicine, Mental Health, Aesthetics and Chronic Disease Management. Outside of medicine Jessica enjoys keeping fit with F45, writing and learning to play the cello. Dr Jessica currently does not have clinic days at the medical centre .She works at Aged care facilities under the medical centre .

Dr Michael Oladiran 5 e1712718603367

Doctor Michael Oladiran GP

Dr. Oladiran obtained fellowship from the Royal College of General Practitioners in Australia in 2016. From the Skin Cancer College in Australasia, he obtained a diploma in skin cancer medicine and surgery in 2017.


Nurse Lauren Hwang

Lauren is a highly skilled registered nurse and also our Clinical Team Lead, holding a Bachelor of Nursing along with a postgraduate degree in Primary Nursing.

6 Synnot Street Werribee, VIC ,3030

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